Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Check Out the License Plate!

Carly did some photo wizardry with my pic. Your dad loved it Carly!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No Dust In The Wind Here!

As I was Instant Messaging Emily, Mike finally came home from ATVing around here. Since I heard no motor sounds...I knew I was going on a ride too. Mike's OLD Polaris decided it would throw a chain mid-waterhole. He had to hike the 2 miles home to get me and our Yamaha. Well...I shoulda known better...don't wear brand new jeans doing this! Give me Mexican Mountain dust any time! This Iron Ore muck sucks!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Again...More Snow!

Freddie's kennel will never be the same after the first April biggie snowstorm. We also lost a tree by the cabin due to that storm. Mikey will have to get out his chainsaw when he comes home from college before heading up to Alaska. (I will definitely make him use a helmet this time!!!)

Mike took off the cover on the cabin cruiser during the short warmup to work on it...well, now he's using electric power tools in snow!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dust, Wind and Water!

Wild Old Farts!

Mike and I went to Mexico a week before our 31st Wedding Anniversary...well...we pretended we were on our 1st I guess because we did some wild things!!! We went ATVing up in the mountains, Zip Lining down mountains and Ocean Fishing. My camera will never be the same after dusty ATV trip... My insides are now back to norm after that Zip Line thing...Mike and I were at least twice the age of the others...When on our 10 hour fishing trip we caught Yellow Fin Tuna and Mike caught a tournament class Durado (Mahi Mahi). We were fishing among many other boats 40 miles out of Puerto Vallarta. We were the only ones who had success in this off season for fishing. We gave our fish to our Captain and his Mate. In return...they made us Sebeche (sp) right on the boat. I always said that I'll never eat raw fish. Well...I did and it was delicious!!! We also saw 3 Humpback Whales, around 20 Sea Turtles, numerous Dolphins, and 3 Manta that swam under our boat! It was Huge!!!! My pics of fish aren't great because Mike and I always caught them at same time. He has the honors of biggest fish in both species.


I wanna go back!!!! We stayed at the Royal Decameron in Bucerius, Mexico. Bucerius is a little town 15 miles from Puerto Vallarta and more laid back than the big town. Of course we got the vendors on the beach but not as much. This resort we were at had at least one employee to every person staying there and every one of them were so nice! We wanted to adopt one of our waiters! Here's a few pics of hotel and "other" guests...

No Snow!

I still have this darn song in my head...On the Road Again. I just had to get in a vehicle get food! I don't know what Mike and Andy ate while Carly and I were on our trip but my fridge looked like it does when Chef Mikey does a cleanout! The Eskimo dogs are now mudfoot dogs. Gunny looks good...I wonder how long it took Mikey to even out his bad furcut. Emily was blogging about Anna's new separation anxiety...hmmm....Gunny must have caught the sickness too or else he is just reliving his attack from Merlin the Monster Cat at Em's!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Is It Ever Going To Stop Snowing?

Carly and I are waiting for snow to slide off cabin roof. Two feet of the darn stuff has fallen since last night.

Carly and Andy are stuck here for the night. Eight more inches are predicted.

Puerto Vallarta...we are coming Tuesday! Even if we have to snowshoe to the airport!

Eskimo Dogs