Sunday, January 25, 2009

We tried...

Emily and I tried ice fishing in our neighbor's ice shack. Last week this was the hot spot for large sunnies and northerns. Well we didn't do so well Saturday. Only 7 sunfish and 5 crappies. Emily did catch a tree about 4 times. Neighbor warned us about that hole as he has around 10 lures lost to it as well.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back On Blue!

Mike and I took our neighbor out ice fishing on Blue Lake this morn. The old guy has been so itching to get out and ice fish. Since most of the lakes around here including ours have serious slush problems it has been difficult to fish. In fact, Mike managed to get two of our snowmobiles stuck in the middle of our lake last night. Andy helped get both last night and the other this afternoon.

First...we decided to try Mikey's nightmarish backwoods route to the lake. (I can't believe he took Brianne down that trail !!!) my thoughts...I was in back seat and no way to get out of truck but did keep my mouth shut (my wide eyeballs might have been seen by Mike in rear view mirror) we backed up and drove another 15 minutes back nightmare trail to the main access. We went out on lake as far as well-travelled trail took us and then set up lines. This area was definitely not like our "Honey Hole" but Mike was able to catch 2 northerns and lost more of course to the trees. I was panfishing and didn't have the touch today...I needed Mikey's girlfriend Brianne's anger to catch them I guess. Charlie caught a few perch. Tomorrow we (Mike) are hauling Charlie's shack out to that lake so Charlie can drive out himself to do more fishing. You should see this guy with his diamond willow cane with ice pick bottom in that snow-packed ice! I was a nervous wreck!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ice Fishing Again!

Mike, Mikey and I drove up to Red Lake today. It wasn't a hot bite but we managed to catch around 10 fish. We kept one wallhanger crappie that Mikey caught and 5 walleyes that were under 17 inches. There is a slot on that lake where all walleyes between 17 and 26 inches have to be released back into the water so our nice 18 1/2 inchers took our minnows and took a dive back down the holes.